‘’ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.’’
God has designed humanity to find salvation only in Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12), but why salvation? And what does it mean to be saved? Now let us consider those questions one after the other. The Bible says that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, which includes every man and woman in the world. So, the way back to glory with God is to be saved or to be born again. But the only way to being born again is through Jesus Christ. God loves people, and he doesn’t want them to die and go to Hell; instead, he cares that they spend eternity with Him in heaven. But he knew we could not unless we got saved, so he gave his only son Jesus Christ to die for our sins so that when we believed in Jesus, we would have our sins forgiven and salvation. But now that you are saved, you need a relationship with God to keep going.
The Essence of Salvation
God wants children to fellowship with, and he enjoys relationships with people. That is the reason he sent Jesus to die for your sins so that he can become your father and you, his son or daughter. So now that you are saved, you need to have an ongoing relationship with the Lord through prayer and reading of the Holy Scriptures. Plus, as you read the Word of God, you will be able to find out how to sustain the new life you’ve got in Christ. God knows your fears and worries right now that you are saved, but if your trust him, he will guide you and show you how to win through it all. Of course, Jesus promised us abundant life(John 10:10). He also said that we would be troubled in the world but that you should be encouraged because he has overcome the troubles for you (John16:33). So you have everything to gain as a Christian, life in this world, and eternal life in the world to come.
So what is Salvation?
Salvation is the reunion of God and man back to fellowship and loving relationship. But God has designed that this spiritual reunion can only be by Jesus Christ. Why? Because Jesus is the only one that could pay the due and full-price and suffer the due punishment for your sins. God’s justice demands that the soul that sins die. But it also requires that the only way to have man absorbed and forgiven of his sin is through blood. But the only blood that was pure and innocent enough to be the actual price and that can be accepted by God as full payment for sin was that of his only begotten Son, Jesus. So Jesus became man’s substitute. He died in man’s place, shedding his blood to pay for his sins. He was also punished by God in place of humans, such that God can be free and just, to forgive humanity’s sins without violating his justice. In Jesus, God met the need for righteousness and human salvation.
Do You Need Saving?
God has Glorified Jesus because of what he did for humanity; that is why only through him and him alone shall all be saved. This is God’s order and plan, and we cannot challenge it. So yes, if you have ever sinned, then you need salvation. If you have never had your sins forgiven in Jesus Christ, In that case, you need saving, and sure enough, it is only in Jesus that true salvation is available. Yet it is free; salvation is free.
To be baptized means to…